Carta nazionale



The National Charta of Italian Toy Libraries is the first shared document realized in Italy that outlines aims, characteristics and quality indicators of the toy library, intended as a public service for play.

In the period June-February 2011, a group of about thirty people, the National Table of Toy Libraries, worked on its drafting. It is composed of operators that, at various levels and within public administrations and social private sector, deal with playing as an educational and cultural resource.


The realization and the printing of the National Chart of Italian Toy Libraries has been edited by Ali per Giocare with the contribution of:

  • Municipal Toy Library -  Fiorano Modenese (MO)
  • Municipal Toy Library -  Nonantola (MO)
  • Castello dei Ragazzi - Carpi (MO)
  • Municipality - Modena
  • PLAY: Festival del Gioco
  • Associazione GiocOvunque - Firenze
  • Associazione Alipes  - Pisa
  • Il Progetto Cooperativa Sociale - Pontedera (PI)
  • Arci -  Pisa

with the patrocinio of

Guarantor Authority for Childhood and Adolescence


Download Carta Nazionale delle Ludotche Italiane