The Mission of ALI per Giocare

The association, pursuing aims of social solidarity in the fields of education, animation, social assistance, training, protection of rights and promotion of culture in general and culture of the playing in particular, has the following aims: to represent the requests and projects of those who work on the territory with recreational, educational and socio-cultural projects based on the affirmation of the right to play and active citizenship, through the action of equipped vehicles (Ludobus) and the activity in permanent structures (Ludoteche) and offer members suitable and efficient services.

For the realization of the above mentioned purposes, the association assumes the following tasks:

  • the coordination and confrontation of the various experiences and methodologies related to the themes of recreational and socio-cultural pedagogy that take place in Italy;
  • the activity of research, consulting and development of methodologies for playing, either for the mobile and fixed structures, and of the recreational andof  learning processes related to the social and natural environment;
  • the promotion of a collective and shared project action on the thematic areas of rights, play, animation, socio-cultural pedagogy and communication in general, in Italian, European and international contexts;
  • the active collaboration with public and private organizations, educational institutions, associations, social cooperatives, private companies, informal groups and all those interested and committed in the areas of socio-cultural intervention;
  • the promotion of the exchange of information and the commitment to the expansion and strengthening of the movement of the Ludobus and the Ludoteche and, in general, for the creation of a Play Network in Italy, also through the participation of its representatives in associations, events and conferences of national and international character that have playing and its cultural dimension as a central topic;
  • the organization and coordination of meetings, conventions and events, national and international, involving the Ludobus and the Ludoteche of more regions or territories, and the coordination of the participation of Italian Ludobuses and representatives of the Ludoteche in international events, organized by other institutions and partners;
  • the professional training of those who operate or intend to operate through the Ludobus and the Ludoteche;
  • the production, collection and divulgation of the documentation related to the experience of the Ludobus and the Ludoteche in Italy and abroad through training courses and any means of communication such as books, periodical publications, videos and other multimedia supports and whatever else may be useful for this purpose;
  • the representation of the Italian Ludobus and Ludoteche movement at national and international level;

The importance of play is recognized in the social, emotional and cognitive development of the child and, more generally, in the formation of the individual.

The Ludobus and the Ludoteche are a service of public interest that are part of the actions that promote the right to play of all citizens, with particular regard to childhood and adolescence.

Rights of children and teenagers

ALI associates:

  • promote through the activities of Ludobus and Ludoteca the knowledge and implementation of the International Conventions on Human Rights, with particular reference to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and Adolescence drawn up in New York on November 20, 1989, ratified by Italy with Law no. 176 of May 27, 1991;
  • can implement for this purpose, awareness raising activities such as meetings, conferences, events, publications promoting, encouraging and supporting initiatives aimed at creating the most favorable conditions for the practical application of the right to play;
  • they enhance the creative and the reality judgemental capacity that children know how to express;
  • promote forms of children participation to let them practice  the right of citizenship.


General principles

The service provided by Ludobus, in accordance with Article 3 of the Italian Constitution and in compliance with the Directive of the President of the Council of Ministers of 27 January 1994, complies with the following general principles:

  • Equality: all users of the service are offered the same opportunities and the same quality level of service without discrimination on the basis of age, sex, race, language, religion, political opinions, psycho-physical and socio-economic conditions;
  • impartiality: behaviour towards the users is inspired by criteria of objectivity, justice and impartiality;
  • right of choice: the service assures a wide range of play and recreational activities, adapted to the different ages of the participants and to the contexts of the interventions. The citizen has the right to participate freely in the interventions proposed by Ludobus and to choose among the various recreational-educational opportunities offered;
  • Participation: the collaboration of organizations, associations, private individuals and citizens in the functioning of the service is encouraged and the participation of families is promoted, including the possibility to submit requests, comments, complaints, proposals and suggestions regarding the services offered;
  • efficiency and effectiveness: the service is organized in such a way as to use the available resources in the most convenient way in order to achieve maximum satisfaction of the participants and the professional development of the operators, also adopting criteria of flexibility and innovation.

General Purposes

The Ludobus is an itinerant recreational service of cultural and educational value capable of stimulating spontaneous and organized opportunities to meet and to play in the places where children, teenagers, adults and elderly people live, promoting their participation with respect for the dignity and differences of each.

The Ludobus intends to:

  • emphasize the centrality and importance of play in the development of the individual;
  • assign to the time of play the same dignity and value as the time of learning;
  • promote the transmission of memory and play culture, through the rediscovery and reworking of traditional games of different cultures and the research and experimentation of new forms of play;
  • to valorize the game and the toy as a means in the relationship between People;
  • collect, through appropriate forms of listening and participation, the needs of the territory.

Particular attention will be paid to:

  • promote independent and spontaneous play;
  • encourage the autonomy, active participation, initiative of children;
  • educate in risk assessment;
  • stimulate imagination, creativity and individual skills;
  • encourage group playing, socialization, interaction, communication, cooperation, experimentation, mutual respect and positive relationships with others.
  • experience cultural, expressive and creative activities;
  • stimulate games of movement, discovery and adventure;
  • enhance cultural diversity;
  • stimulate contact with nature and the surrounding environment.

The Ludobus aims in particular to:

  • offer opportunities to meet and play for all citizens, mainly in the territory in which they live
  • promote the creation, knowledge and use of play spaces and green areas in their territory.
  • promote, at public and private institutions, through various types of initiatives, the culture of play and quality toys.


The Ludobus

The activities planned by the service are carried out with the help of a mobile vehicle specially equipped from a technical and structural point of view called Ludobus.

The Ludobus is equipped with play equipment, employs qualified operators, organizes and promotes on its own and on behalf of public and private organizations animation activities in squares, parks, schools, gyms, streets and green areas of cities and towns and everywhere.

The Ludobus provides games and toys, offers recreational, cultural, sporting, laboratory activities and performances of theater, musical and circus entertainment.

The Ludobus goes in particular where children live to inspire them to play using the materials provided and the ideas proposed and to let them live new experiences.

The Ludobus livens up and animates in a playful way places and contexts that are not expressly intended for play.

The Ludobus is a way to overcome the lack of possibilities to play and is a useful complement for a general improvement of the quality of life.


The Ludobus Service is divided into the following main activities:

  • animation activities;
  • initiatives to raise awareness about children's rights
  • information and documentation activities;

The animation activities fall into the following main types:

  • playful, recreational and sportive animation (for example: traditional games, games of other cultures, movement games, circus arts);
  • storytelling, and reading promotion;
  • creative, expressive and artistic workshops (example: construction of toys, musical instruments, art workshops, scientific experiments;
  • itinerant toy library;
  • performances that involve the participants in an active way (example: clowns, magic, puppets, juggling, acrobatics, etc.).
  • initiatives of street education and participatory planning;
  • eco-environmental activities;
  • large-scale themed games;

Awareness raising initiatives on rights concern the promotion, diffusion and implementation of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child and Adolescence and other International Conventions on human rights, in particular the right to play, to sociality, to self-expression and to citizenship.

The information and documentation activities concern the communication of the Ludobus initiatives and the creation of a video-photographic archive of the same in compliance with privacy regulations.


The logo of the ALI per Giocare distinguishes the fact that the associates unequivocally respect the implementation of the present Carta dei Ludobus di ALI per Giocare.

Characteristics of the animation activities

The animation activities are programmed in collaboration with the Customer and take place in areas accessible to the public (for example: green areas, playgrounds, squares, streets, schoolyards, shopping centers), mainly and preferably outdoors and are included in socio-educational projects, festivals, or special events.

Depending on the planned activities, the context and the duration of the intervention, an adequate number of qualified operators and an appropriate supply of equipment and materials is guaranteed.

Recipients of the interventions

The Ludobus activities involve everyone: children, teenagers, adults, seniors and families.

Access to the Ludobus activities is free.


The Ludobus is committed to undertake all necessary measures to ensure the safety of participants in carrying out the activities.

In any case, operators do not have the obligation to supervise minors, the responsibility remains with parents and tutors, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 2047 and 2048 of the Civil Code. During the animation activities, minors are therefore not intended to be entrusted to the operators of the Ludobus. In the case of interventions carried out in schools, recreational and sports centers or communities, the responsibility remains with the teachers and operators who are entrusted to minors. The Ludobuses are in possession of adequate third party liability insurance.

In case of injury to the participants, the operators will provide to:

  • promptly inform the parent or caregiver
  • request the intervention of the 118 in relation to the seriousness of the accident.

The Ludobus is equipped with a first aid kit.


The service called Ludobus makes use of staff employed by the managing organization (Public Agency, Association, Social Enterprise, etc.) and possible external collaborations.

The managing organization is committed to use the staff employed in a manner that complies with the law and to respect the contractual levels of work. The workers employed in the animation activities are in possession of the following minimum requirements:

  • Secondary school diploma with a five-year course of studies;
  • not less than 18 years of age.

Documented professional experience with children and young people with the qualification of animator are preferred, attendance at the Training Course for Animators of Ludobus promoted by ALI per Giocare and other training and updating courses, seminars and specialization courses on animation and play, organized by qualified and recognized organizations, institutions and associations.

In particular cases, it is possible to derogate from the qualification requirement in the presence of specific skills and significant animation experience of at least three years acquired and documented.

The workers must not be pending final judgment or have been convicted of crimes involving abuse, harassment or violence against minors.

Operators may be assisted by volunteer staff and trainees.

During the animation interventions, the workers of the Ludobus wear a badge and / or clothing that make them recognizable and allow their identification.

In the relationship with the participants, the workers ensure a correct and respectful behavior, willing to listen and not prejudicial to the dignity of the citizen.

Materials and security

The materials used during the animation are:

  • toys and games with CE mark certifying compliance with legal requirements;
  • gymnastic and sports equipment or equipment intended for collective use in playgrounds;
  • handicrafts, not commercially available, made in a workmanlike manner and built specifically for the purpose of developing special skills;
  • various tools and utensils (e.g.: scissors, hammers, pliers, brushes);
  • recycled materials (e.g.: bottle caps, mosaic tiles, paper, cardboard, wood);
  • consumables (e.g.: paper, pens, adhesive tape, glue).

It is responsibility of the operators to give indications on the correct use of games, materials and equipment according to the prescriptions, warnings and instructions given by the manufacturer and to recommend to children games and toys suitable for their age and their abilities.

The toys and materials used are subject to hygiene and wear checks in order to guarantee their safety.

The equipment is subjected to periodic maintenance and cleaning and is replaced if necessary.


The Ludobus activities can be requested by public agencies, local authorities (provinces, individual or associated municipalities), associations (voluntary, cultural, sports, professional, pro loco), committees, schools of all levels (public and private), local institutions, community centers, recreation centers, parishes and oratories, companies, cooperatives, and individuals.

Training and updating

The members of ALI per Giocare promote opportunities for updating, training and qualification on the culture and practices of playing, aimed at operators, animators, teachers, cultural mediators, parents and citizens in general.

The managing authorities of the Ludobus service promote the participation of their operators in conferences, courses and events at national and international level related to playing and animation.

The training and updating meetings concern the principles of play pedagogy, the promotion of children's rights, animation techniques, the organization of creative and expressive workshops, the study of techniques for children's participation in social life.

The activities of analysis, research and study include in-depth study of the culture and practices of play.

ALI per Giocare organizes the Training Course for Ludobus Animators.

Information and documentation

The members of ALI per Giocare guarantee effective communication on the initiatives carried out through Ludobus. They produce a documentation on the activities carried out, through the collection and archiving of documents, satisfaction cards and images, aimed at evaluation and critical analysis. They can also take care of the collection of publications on topics related to playing.

Monitoring and evaluation

The members of ALI per Giocare undertake to equip themselves with tools to assess the satisfaction of the users and the commissioning authority.


Quality standards

On the basis of general principles ALI per Giocare indicates the quality standards that the Ludobus of its members commit themselves to respect towards citizens, public and private organizations in the provision of the service:

Factors Indicator Standard

Professionality of the Workers

Identification of the workers by means of tags and/or specific clothing

Respect of the canons in the "workers" paragraph

Participation in at least one training and/or updating meeting per year

100 %

100 %

at least 50 % of workers


Information and communication of the activities on the website of the association

Display and/or distribution of material related to the aims of ALI per Giocare

Production and distribution of material related to the general programming (objectives and aims) of each association

Diffusion of  the carta dei Ludobus di ALI per Giocare with public and private organizations in their territory






Equipment and Vehicles

Set up a mobile vehicle properly equipped and recognizable as "Ludobus".

Renew annually the types of intervention and the supply of the games



Quality Control

Summary card of the intervention with the most important information



 Scarica la Carta dei Ludobus di Ali per Giocare